Straight Ups Dubs
Volkswagen Enthusiast Club
Straight Up Dubs is a multi-faceted organization. Based in Northern California, they are a Volkswagen enthusiast club, lifestyle clothing brand, event promoter and vintage VW restoration shop. They were founded on January 1st, 2008.
Straight Up Dubs, “Uniting the scene one dub at a time.”
Straight Up Dubs wants to grow, represent and promote the Northern California VW Community in any way they can. The more work, effort and relationship building they all invest, both as individual enthusiasts and within their individual organizations, the stronger and more united the community will become.
Want to know what shows are coming up in NorCal and beyond? Did you miss a show and want to see some pictures? Check their Facebook Page and keep up with what’s going on in the NorCal VW Community! Look for their members at VW Shows and related events all year long and be sure to stop by and introduce yourself! In addition to being a VW enthusiast club, Straight Up Dubs is also the promoter for several VW-related events here in Northern California. They also launched their official clothing line in 2015 and their on-line store in 2016. Check Straight Up Dubs out at: .
Volkswagen is a registered trademark of Volkswagen AG and Volkswagen 0f America. Straight Up Dubs, NorCal is an independent enthusiast club and is not affiliated with or endorsed by VWAG or VWoA, Inc. or its affiliates.